Clarification In Response To Articles In Media
Type | Announcement |
Subject | OTHERS |
Description |
Clarification in response to articles in media |
This announcement is made in relation to the various articles that have been published in the media recently on the governance issues at Bursa Malaysia Berhad (“Bursa Malaysia”) and its Board of Directors (“Board”).
The Board of Bursa Malaysia wishes to clarify that the reputation and integrity of Bursa Malaysia as the market operator of the stock exchange has always been its utmost priority. Hence, the Board of Bursa Malaysia is always mindful to ensure the Group governance structure remains effective and efficient in the best interest of the Malaysian capital market and our stakeholders.
Towards this end, Bursa Malaysia has always engaged with its relevant stakeholders, including the Securities Commission Malaysia, to provide feedback or updates on governance practices and other relevant matters relating to the capital market and will continue to do so on a regular basis. The Board would like to re-affirm our common objectives with our stakeholders in ensuring the orderly functioning, good governance and stability of Malaysia’s capital markets particularly at a time of unprecedented pressures to markets, both in Malaysia and globally.
Announcement Info
Stock Name | BURSA |
Date Announced | 29 Apr 2020 |
Category | General Announcement for PLC |
Reference Number | GA1-23042020-00039 |